Summoning Courage

So I turn myself around, deciding I don’t want to wait for my sins to cook. Back to the dog park, to face fear. Like two mermaid summoning swimmers treading within an empty dust bowl, we wait for another dog to enter. Electricity hangs around my groin, a sacral swirl. It is a common occurrence, during times of nervousness, giving me something to play with, a bulge to tug at, masturbating when able.

I pull, stretching this sacral energy like taffy through my entire being, parading like something taller than my actuality, fragile with tensile unreliability, knowing that a snap in the right place will send my entire artifice crumbling to piss in my pants.

A curly brown dog finally enters. The owner seems hesitant. That is never a good sign. I try to play fetch with the dog, tossing the ball; but neither she nor Charlo will retrieve it. I do my best to take this dog as my own, having the notion that the only way for me to win this battle against fear is for me to raise my energy to the top of my skull and hit the alpha bell crown, ringing as pack leader for the entire world to hear. The woman chuckles, watching me. That’s good. It’s a sign of good rapport. She is letting me play my wacky game. If Musette were here she’d probably tell me I’m acting a fool. But she’s not. So I have the experimental freedom of my own solitude.

Another dog enters. This dog is wearing a harness around his body which looks like a jacket. A real sporty guy. He will fetch the ball.

“What’s wrong with you Charlo!? You jealous?” I yell, playing ball with this new kid.

I can tell he is. He’s chosen to sit in the corner. He’s got this look on his face like, ‘I’ve been replaced.’

I’ve let my energy go too much to my head. So I decide to cool it, because I realize I’ve been being a real douchebag.

But the energy doesn’t just disappear; it gets translated into the other dogs. The jacket wearing sport keeps playing fetch, now delivering the ball to his true master instead of me. But the brown poodle doesn’t want to play. She hasn’t from the start. She’s more interested in Charlo.

She starts nipping at him. Her master is timid, not taking enough initiative. Things are progressing into the danger zone. It’s palpable. My energy has returned to my weiner, but watching this dog take advantage of sweet Charlo sends it shooting, naturally, not like taffy, back up to the tip of my head, sending a ringing ‘Shush!’ from my lips, halting the curly brown dog in its tracks, reflecting the warm comfort of personal power back into my heart.

The situation cools. The dogs timid owner steps in and leashes her dog.

“Sorry.” she says. “She can get a little bitchy sometimes.”

I give her a good riddance. The sporty chap is enthralled by his fetching. It’s just Charlo and him in here now.

I consider the mission a success and take Charlo home.

The Flaunting

The internet is our future home, it is our future universe. We will dive deeper and cling harder to it. We will burrow ourselves into its fabric and become it. It is the only way forward, along this golden path we pave. And thus we shall merge ourselves within our dreams, evolving in hybrid ways. Becoming cyborg data heads, spewing our ideas back and forth through S-beams. The hive bustling around us, orange as a honey bear; with business bees transporting tableted documents between rooms, regurgitating comb, spewing the nutrients out to the rest of the hive, collecting as a union, telepathically through scent, with a queen who lives and dies, and rises and falls, as the phoenix goddess, usually stabbed to death in the media.

The poor children, having done nothing to deserve it, are enfleshed in photographs, draped for eternity like gods or monarchs, blessed by their inheritance and their inheritances’ strong representation. Don’t pretend like you haven’t seen it. He flaunts his prowess before all the star crazed wives round here. And they just obsess over it, never seeming to have seen a naked man before, most of them. He just never can get his shades closed properly, and that brilliant talent of a constant erection… Well shit, most days he’s going at it in full bluff, pounding his hard on so hard and so often that it’s like pornorama flash dance for all the old grannies here. But don’t worry, your sweet mother will have none of it. I have never been the type to abandon myself to merely watching a man ejaculate, I have always been required to smell it shooting. Just a personal tick I suppose… And since my smellers gotten so smelly lately, I’m having to bend in real close to get my rocks off, practically topping Bobby boner there off with my nostrils more than anything else.

“But I didn’t come here to talk boners with ya.”

But that’s all that granny ever does, it seems: talk about boners, all day long!

My God, once you get me rolling on them, they just slip off my tongue. Did I ever tell you about your father’s boner? My God, once you see your father’s boner you are going to shit yourself. I swear. Bet you don’t have a boner that size. I bet it, and I can tell you why. Because you’re a pussy. A coward of a man who can’t be called testosteronic for a million dollars. All you do is berate the ladies with your ignorance, talking like you’re a fat slob, slumped over in his recliner, popcorn kernels slipping around his boxer brief seam, just rubbing salt through his stash with his butter glazed index finger. But I know you are better than that. Inside of you there is a woman wanting to come out. It’s not about being gay or being straight, it’s about your soul. It’s about being true to your soul Sidney. Starlet. Sweetheart. My lovely princess. Clitoral bitch. Whore.